Ireland on the Fly
Ireland on the Fly
Weed Growth on Irish Rivers & Lakes - What's Going On?

Weed Growth on Irish Rivers & Lakes - What's Going On?

River Suir angler George McGrath got in touch about an issue that has energised him and many of you in the Irish fly fishing community in recent weeks in relation to weed growth in Irish rivers and lakes that has been as bad in living memory.

So, what’s going on?  Who’s responsible and more importantly, what can be done about it?

George McGrath joins us to tell us what he has seen and fisheries scientist, Ken Whelan, gives his scientific explanation as to what is most likely the reason, plus who to contact and what pro-active measures can be taken to ensure that this problem does not go unaddressed.

If you have seen similar weed growth and conditions that George McGrath has described, then get in touch with to start the investigation.

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